Gobind Nursing Home

Gynaecological Care


Vaginal Infection

A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation, discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva — the tissues at the vaginal opening. Also called vaginal candidiasis, vaginal yeast infection affects up to 3 out of 4 women at some point in their lifetimes. Many women experience at least two episodes. A vaginal yeast infection isn’t considered a sexually transmitted infection. But, there’s an increased risk of vaginal yeast infection at the time of first regular sexual activity. There’s also some evidence that infections may be linked to mouth to genital contact (oral-genital sex). Medications can effectively treat vaginal yeast infections. If you have recurrent yeast infections — four or more within a year — you may need a longer treatment course and a maintenance plan.


PMS refers to the diverse range of physical and psychological symptoms that people experience before their menstrual period. The exact cause of PMS remains unknown. However, natural fluctuations in hormone levels, especially those of estrogen and progesterone, in the week or two before menstruation are likely responsible for the symptoms. Estrogen and progesterone levels decrease dramatically after ovulation. This could play a major role in the development of PMS symptoms. The drop in estrogen levels may affect a person’s serotonin levels. Serotonin is a brain chemical that helps regulate mood, sleep, and appetite, all of which PMS affects. Severe or debilitating PMS symptoms are not common, and they may indicate the presence of an underlying health condition. Speak to a doctor about any severe PMS symptoms.


Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign, or noncancerous. The cause of fibroids is unknown. Women who do have symptoms (around 1 in 3) may experience:

Ovarian Cyst

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops on an ovary. They’re very common and do not usually cause any symptoms. Most ovarian cysts occur naturally and go away in a few months without needing any treatment. An ovarian cyst usually only causes symptoms if it splits (ruptures), is very large or blocks the blood supply to the ovaries. In these cases, you may have:
  • Pelvic pain – this can range from a dull, heavy sensation to a sudden, severe and sharp pain
  • Pain during sex
  • Difficulty emptying your bowels
  • A frequent need to urinate
  • Heavy periodsirregular periods or lighter periods than normal
  • Bloating and a swollen tummy
  • Feeling very full after only eating a little
  • Difficulty getting pregnant – although fertility is usually unaffected by ovarian cysts


PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility. This lifelong health condition continues far beyond the child-bearing years. Women with PCOS are often insulin resistant; their bodies can make insulin but can’t use it effectively, increasing their risk for type 2 diabetes. They also have higher levels of androgens (male hormones that females also have), which can stop eggs from being released (ovulation) and cause irregular periods, acne, thinning scalp hair, and excess hair growth on the face and body. Women with PCOS can develop serious health problems, especially if they are overweight:

Heavy menstrual bleeding

The duration and severity of menstrual bleeding varies from woman to woman. If your menstrual period is excessively heavy, prolonged, or irregular, it’s known as menorrhagia. Symptoms of menorrhagia include
  • A menstrual period that lasts longer than seven days
  • Bleeding so heavy that you must change your tampon or pad more than once per hour
You should see your doctor if you have excessively heavy or prolonged menstrual periods that interfere with your daily life. Excessive bleeding can cause anemia, or iron deficiency. It may also signal an underlying medical condition. In most cases, your doctor can successfully treat abnormal periods.
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