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Ocular Allergies & Dry Eye

About Ocular Allergies & Dry Eye

What are Eye Allergies?

Eye allergies are also known as allergic conjunctivitis. Unlike bacterial and viral conjunctivitis, it isn’t contagious. The most notable symptom that sets eye allergies apart from other eye issues is itchiness.The itchiness may be so severe that you accidentally create tears and redness from rubbing your eyes. If your eyesaren’t itchy, then your symptoms may be attributed to another eye condition.The skin around and underneath your eyes may be puffy. Some people also have dark under-eye circles called allergic shiners. You may even experience sensitivity to light.Additionally, your eyes may be watery, with tears are constantly welling up. Due to discomfort, you may be inclined to rub the tears out of your eyes, which can make redness even worse.

What is a Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry Eye cause extreme dryness that can create a burning sensation. Your eyes dry out because they don’t have enough tears to keep them lubricated Like eye allergies, dry eye can cause redness and burning. However, a lack of tears doesn’t cause the itchiness and swelling that allergies can If left untreated, dry eye can cause vision problems.These include sensitivity to light and blurry vision. Permanent eye damage can occur in the most severe cases.

Difference between Eye Allergy & Dry Eye

Frequently asked questions: Ocular Allergies

Answer: Ocular allergy is a response of our body in eye to some foreign material, called allergen

Answer: Ocular allergy is an inborn heightened response of our body to foreign substance (allergen). The sensitivity of an individual to allergen is specific.

Answer: For an individual any substance can act as allergen. It can be dust, mite, pollen or any food item.

Answer: Redness, itching, burning and puffy eyes are common manifestations of ocular allergy

Answer: The best treatment for ocular allergy is to avoid exposure with ocular allergen. Though in real life, it might not be possible. Therefore, in most cases ocular allergy is treated using eye drops, ointments or tablets.

Answer: The duration of treatment may vary with age and type of ocular allergy.

Answer:  Yes, some drugs like steroid may cause cataract or glaucoma in predisposed patient on longer usage.

Answer: Never use over the counter available drugs or try to self treat. Always treat your ocular allergy under direct monitoring of your eye doctor.

Frequently asked questions: Dry Eye

Answer: Dry eye is a condition of eye in which tears of eyes are deficient either in quantity or quality.   

Answer: Yes, dry eye causes a wide range of symptoms which affects quality of life. In long run this condition may compromise vision or may lead to blindness also.  

Answer: Environmental insults, air pollution, changing life styles, diet, systemic diseases like rheumatoid or autoimmune disorders, post-menopausal period in females may lead to dry eye. 

Answer:  Dry eye may manifest through wide range of symptoms, which may vary in individual case. Generally, dry eye may present with stinging or burning sensation, sensation of something in eye, foreign body sensation, and stringy mucus in eye, heightened sensitivity to light, eye redness, watering from eye or difficulty in night driving. 

Answer: Yes, in some cases dry eye can be treated. In other cases only the symptoms are controlled clinically.

Answer: Dry eye is treated using eye drops. Depending upon type and severity of dry eye, eye drops are selected for individual patient.

Answer: Symptoms may temporarily control with OTC drugs, but disease might not be treated. 

Answer:  In some case, depending upon individual case’s history and medical condition some evaluation may require specific tests. 

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